Aquaproof 121
Aquaproof 121
Unique One Component Cementitious Waterproof Membrane.
Aquaproof 121 is a one component waterproof membrane that is suitable for a wide range of positive and negative waterproofing applications.
- Water Features, Pools & Ponds
- Potable Water Tanks
- Internal / External Walls
- Planter Boxes, Lift Pits & Retaining Walls
Based on advanced cross linking polymer technology, Aquaproof 121 is a standalone flexible polymer cementitous membrane that does not require the addition of any liquid additive, requiring only water added to powder to form a high quality liquid membrane slurry system. Ideally suited over concrete, masonry and mineral substrates. The cured film provides a water tight membrane that is permeable to vapour diffusion and offers excellent resistance to frost and ageing, as well as outstanding adhesion properties.

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